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Taimen are the ultimate mega-trout. They are the largest member of the salmonid family. Mongolian taimen can live for nearly fifty years and reach sixty inches (1.5 meter) in length. Taimen caught on the fly generally measure between 30 – 40 inches (.75 – 1 meter).  Anything over 40 inches (1m) is considered trophy class.  We catch and very carefully release several fish every season that measure over 50 inches (1.25 cm).

Mongolian taimen do not run out to the ocean or even lakes.   These behemoths spend their entire life cycle in relatively small rivers.  Taimen will migrate great distances to access spawning, feeding, and winter habitats.  An adult taimen may use 60 miles (100km) of river each year, making conservation of vast stretches of water vitally important.



August 23, 2016 – Oktober 10, 2016



August 23, 2016 – Oktober 10, 2016



August 23, 2016 – Oktober 10, 2016



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